Tidhar on the Park, Psagot Afek

A perfect neighborhood for families, with 1,036 units in 20 buildings and a spacious park, which was completed and populated in only 4 years!
Ilan Pivko
Sold out
CPM & Tidhar Group

Tidhar on the Park, Psagot Afek – a “green” mega neighborhood planned with great love and attention to detail, ideal for children, perfect for parents. The neighborhood, divided into four intimate districts, has no inner roads. It has paths and gardens connecting the different districts to a large central park. A total of 20 buildings, of two types – 21-floor residential towers and boutique buildings of only 8 floors each, with a club house, a designed lobby and a room for bicycles and strollers. Nearby is an active Holmes Place Family club, as well as kindergartens. An educational campus accessible from the neighborhood via an underground passage is also in the planning.

Thanks to a joint effort by the planning and execution system, using advanced 3D BIM technologies from the planning stage, we succeeded in completing the planning and licensing processes of the neighborhood and begin construction in just 18 months, and complete the occupancy in just 4 years – a record time in real estate terms.

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We will be happy to serve you and match you with the perfect apartment.

    Sales and Service ✱8383 | Office ✱3604

    14 Hatidhar Street, Ra’anana