Having Good Relationship with Our Neighbors Can Affect Our Quality of Life

It’s hard to imagine what kind of relationship we might have with our neighbors when we buy our new apartment, but through mutual assistance, respectful communication, and personal connection we can establish a pleasant neighborly dynamic. Here are a few tips.
By: Tidhar Team
In the past, people would live in tribes, small groups that would sustain them and take care of food, shelter, fire, and other basic needs. Since then, we have seen agricultural and industrial revolutions, and people have moved to living in cities, which to a certain degree has detached us from our surroundings. Nowadays we live as small family units, withdrawn in our apartments as each unit takes care of itself. But we’re still social creatures who need their tribe; if not for basic needs, then to share experiences and enjoy one another’s company. This modern tribe is made up of several dynamics, including our family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors.
While we’re emotionally close to our family and friends, the great advantage of neighbors is their actual closeness. They are there, by our side, day, and night. We share grounds, a stair room, an elevator, a building. We interact with them daily, and our quality of life is as pleasant and positive as our interaction. It’s hard to guess what our relationships with our neighbors might look like when buying our new apartment, but through mutual assistance, respectful communication, and personal connection we can establish a small, friendly community just a wall away.

Nobody likes noise, whether it comes from construction tools, animals, loud music, or screaming children. Thoughtfulness is the foundation of good neighborly dynamic. Before you switch on the power drill, stop for a moment, and check the clock. Leave a note on the lobby noticeboard, apologizing in advance for the noise coming from the kids’ birthday party on Saturday. Decide on set hours for your kids to practice their musical instruments. Inform your neighbors of construction work in advance. If you make sure to do that, your neighbors might do the same, creating a considerate and overall pleasant atmosphere in the building for everyone.

Mutual Assistance
In many cases, one of you may require the other’s help; a cup of sugar, borrowing chairs when you have people over, feeding the cat, watering one another’s plants while you’re away, opening the door for professionals, and so forth. Once you have a good, friendly, reciprocal dynamic, your neighbor will know that, when you are asking for help or for a small favor, it will always be accompanied by an honest intent of helping as much as possible. This sort of help may be incidental, but it contributes to a sense of security and peace in the long term.

Social Connections
Many of us nostalgically reminisce on the days when all the neighborhood kids would meet on the corner of the street to play tag or hide and seek. Nowadays they’ll probably prefer to play video games, but the sense of communality we all long for could be similar. A smile in the building hallway, a brief question about the other person’s day while you wait for the elevator, an offer to help with the groceries – these could slowly evolve into a friendly relationship, one that would benefit your daily lives.
Some people are more friendly than others. They can quickly bond with people wherever they go, and others are more introverted, preferring to only be in contact with their old close friends, while others still are nice enough to get along with everyone while keeping them at arm’s length. No matter which type of person you are, these core principles will help you improve your quality of life and increase overall satisfaction.
Disclaimer: Everything said in this post is strictly a recommendation. Culpability for use of any products purchased as a result of this recommendation lies solely with the purchasing party.