Starting Over – Quickly Adjusting to Life in a New Neighborhood

You’re new to the neighborhood. You’ve just moved in, and everything is fresh and unfamiliar—your home, your street, your neighborhood. How do you adjust quickly to living in a new neighborhood? You may be surprised, but we’ve got some tips to help you out.
Moved into a new home? Congratulations! This is a really exciting and wonderful time, filled with fresh starts both large and small. Like with any substantial change, alongside the great excitement there’s also some adjusting for the whole family, and this might take some time. Some people are happy about change, others prefer set routines—remember that you and your kids need to get used to new rooms, having strangers for neighbors, a street that isn’t the one you were used to, and sometimes even a new town.
This emotional process may prove a bit challenging, but at the end of it are great benefits for you and your children. How do you make it through the move without a hitch, and get used to the new neighborhood as soon as possible?
Tips ahead of moving to a new neighborhood
- Don’t wait until the last minute
Visit the neighborhood with your family before the move. You’ll probably go there to visit the apartment, take measurements and photos, or meet various professionals. Use this opportunity to prepare your kids (and yourselves) for the change. Take some time before or after the visit, bring your kids along, talk to them about the move, and show them around the home and neighborhood. That way you’ll be able to make the strange feeling that comes with moving to a new place easier for them, and let them feel like they’re part of the process.
- Walk around
The more you know about the neighborhood, the more comfortable you’ll feel. This is why we recommend that you walk around the area in your spare time, before the move and afterwards. Walk through the streets and get to know the neighborhood around your new home; find the nearest grocery store, the post office, the bank, the public playgrounds, the local businesses. Similarly, if your kids are starting a new educational framework, it’s recommended that you make the walk to the new school or kindergarten and back home on the first day along with them, so they know the way and the buildings.

- Take the scenic route
Our sense of place influences our sense of security. This is why we recommend that you not stick to one driving route in your first few weeks; take different roads to get to know the streets and pathways better. If you’re driving with your children, you can point out landmarks and places of interest on the way, like an interesting building, stores, businesses or colorful signage, so that they get to know the environment for themselves.
- Make friends with your neighbors
Your new environment brings with it an opportunity to get to know new people. These are the people who smile at you when you meet them on the stairs or at the local grocery store, and whom you can ask questions about daily life in the new neighborhood. When you get a chance, introduce yourself to them and start establishing your relationships with them. Do the same with business owners and service providers in your vicinity.
- Spend your downtime in your new neighborhood
Between the new home, work, the kids’ schooling, extracurricular activities and changes to routine, we tend to forget to stop for a minute and enjoy our new surroundings. Take the kids to the neighborhood playground; have Friday breakfast at the café on the corner. This brief pastime will allow you to meet more people, take in the atmosphere, and create positive feelings for the new area as a result.

Disclaimer: Everything stated in this post is strictly a recommendation. Culpability for use of any products purchased as a result of this recommendation lies solely with the purchasing party.