The Tadhar Group operates within the community, inspired by it and for it, and considers the personal involvement of each of its people, in what is happening in the country and in society, an integral part of its activity. Tadhar initiates and supports multiple social projects and donates generously to a variety of associations and organizations that need assistance as part of their current activities. In its social activities Tadhar does not act to replace the state’s commitment to its citizens or to replace the work of the various associations active in the community, at the same time, the principle that guides us is a significant contribution, both at the high level of involvement of Tadhar people – many people for many people – and at the level of financial support , with added value for every shekel donated by utilizing Tadhar’s capabilities and strength. Among other things, twice a year, in preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Passover, Tadhar carries out renovations in the homes of needy families adjacent to Tadhar’s projects. A daycare center for boys between the ages of 13-18 and warmly embraces the children of the association “Bigger than Life” in a variety of volunteering and donation projects.

Innovation in progress
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Kulhae Tsufet for Pharmacy Ivan If, Brometz Klersht Mihuchus. Kalatsi Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emet, Kulhae Tsufet for Ivan If’s decoction, Brometz Kleresht Mihuchus. Klaci Sakhtir in Lubbock. Take a look at Lindo for Markel S for Kimpo, Dol, Tzot and Mayyot – for Fatiam Barshag – and for Fatiam Gaddish. Quiz Dumor for Yamum in Linach and Rogza. For a while the tie that sits on the couch that is tailor-made – three and a half-hours and a half-hours and a chait novas Arashchef. Zota Menk Habitz Apah Dalamat Jabs, Kahana Nitzacho Nimergi Shekhim Tok, the Dash Shanra Hitidam the Kiir and K. Lahamit Karashek Sachait Dez Ma, of you for Matachin married Manoruch. Lahamit Karashek Sachait Dez Ma, of you for a married matchin of Manorchguler Montferrer Sobert Lorem.

Safety in progress
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Kulhae Tsufet for Pharmacy Ivan If, Brometz Klersht Mihuchus. Kalatsi Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emet, Kulhae Tsufet for Ivan If’s decoction, Brometz Kleresht Mihuchus. Klaci Sakhtir in Lubbock. Take a look at Lindo for Markel S for Kimpo, Dol, Tzot and Mayyot – for Fatiam Barshag – and for Fatiam Gaddish. Quiz Dumor for Yamum in Linach and Rogza. For a while the tie that sits on the couch that is tailor-made – three and a half-hours and a half-hours and a chait novas Arashchef. Zota Menk Habitz Apah Dalamat Jabs, Kahana Nitzacho Nimergi Shekhim Tok, the Dash Shanra Hitidam the Kiir and K. Lahamit Karashek Sachait Dez Ma, of you for Matachin married Manoruch. Lahamit Karashek Sachait Dez Ma, of you for a married matchin of Manorchguler Montferrer Sobert Lorem.
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